July 12, 2008
Ron Kliewer
Hello to my friends and family,
There comes a time
when we as United States citizens and modern day patriots
need to take a stand and help save our freedoms. As
you know, we are losing freedom here and there without a
shot being fired. Here is one freedom you can help preserve
for our children and grandchildren : Gold mining! Gold
mining is one of the main things that has created a strong
America. Gold mining by small scale miners still creates
wealth and keeps us connected to our national heritage. Our
forefathers realized that if it wasn't grown, it was mined
and had the insight to write the 1872 Mining LAw
giving U.S. citizens the RIGHT to
locate, claim and mine valuable minerals. Yes,
everything we use comes from the earth in some form. Gold
mining, particularly gold dredging, currently supports
2,500 families in CA, directly or indirectly. Many small
towns in CA are dependant on small scale suction dredgers
for economic survival. They succeeded a few years ago
closing down most logging and economically suffocating many
small towns around rural CA.
The politicians that don't
want any more logging are also underhandedly trying to
close our waterways to suction dredging. I believe their
ultimate goal is to close as much of the public land as
possible to as many people as possible.
Public Lands for the People (
www.plp2.org ) has been the soldier on the front lines
helping to keep public land open, mining legal, etc. It's
time to send in reinforcements! Our forefathers fought with
muskets and bayonets- we are fortunate we can fight to
retain our freedoms by using email, snail mail and
telephone to fire our shots as patriots. Let the
politicians know that we are drawing a line in the sand and
will not stand for any more of our freedoms to be taken
away without a fight! Don't let us lose this right
with one stroke of the Governor's pen!
Please ask the Governor to line item
veto the CA State Budget Rider in Section 3600
Resources Department of Fish and Game that places a
moratorium on suction dredging in CA until an Environmental
Impact Report is done. This already WAS done in the
1990's and found that dredging actually helps fish habitat.
The additional benefit is that dredging removes heavy
metals from our waterways like mercury and lead. WA State
gave dredgers the Quicksilver Award this year on Earth Day
for their role in removing over 161 lbs. of mercury from
the creeks and rivers. Watch 4 minute video here:
Please SEND A LETTER to Governor
What starts in CA usually spreads across the
Here is the link to a page on my website
with the letter to the Governor from Public Lands for the
People (somewhat technical). You can copy and paste parts
that you want to use or just say a few words and send it to
the Governor.
There is also an additional Sample
letter and the link to the Gov.'s email on this
webpage at my site:
Here is
another sample you can
July 8th, 2008
The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger
Governor, State of California
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
RE: Opposition to proposed Budget Trailer Bill Language:
Respective to Suction Dredge Mining Permits
Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,
Last year, you vetoed AB 1032(Wolk); a bill that would
have required the California Department of Fish and Game
(DFG) to close rivers and waterways to suction dredge gold
mining without having to follow the legal process required
by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
It has come to our attention that the proponents of
AB1032 are now pushing trailer bill language that will be
attached to the 2008/2009 Budget Bill. This would place a
moratorium on further issuance of Suction Dredge Mining
permits within California. The proponents of this trailer
bill language are trying to make an end run to reverse
your veto of AB 1032 by using the legislative and
administrative process.
The Assembly and Senate propose to shut down suction
dredge mining through trailer bill language that would halt
permit issuance until the Department completes a new
Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Because these permits
are issued annually, and DFG's last EIR process took
several years to complete, this language would kill the
Gold Suction Dredge Mining program in California, upon
which 2,500 miners and their families and mining-related
businesses depend, for at least several years; probably
longer. In addition to the miners themselves, several rural
counties, particularly Siskiyou County, would face
significant hardship as a cornerstone of their recreation
and resource-based economies is removed further harming
the state's economy at a time when gold prices are at an
all time high of between $900.00 and $1000.00 an
We would like to point out that throughout all of the
litigation and other attempts to kill suction dredge mining
by anti-mining activists during the last few years, they
have yet to show any proof that a single fish has ever been
harmed by suction dredgers. This, while the very same
people are promoting that the State must continue to issue
fish-kill licenses to millions of fishermen! This is
clearly a case where special interests are attempting to
subvert the political process to eliminate an important
part of California's ongoing, rich heritage; gold
We are asking you to please veto this trailer bill
language and allow the continued issuing of Suction Dredge
Permits while the required environmental review process is
being conducted.
Thank you,
(Be sure to include your full
name and address.)
Cc: Senator Dave Cogdill, Senate Republican Leader
Senator Don Perata, Senate President Pro Tem Assemblymember
Michael Villines, Assembly Republican Leader Assemblymember
Karen Bass, Speaker of the Assembly
Thanks for taking a few
minutes out of your day to help preserve a slice of our
American Freedom for our children and grandchildren. We
are blessed to live in a country where we can still
speak out and make a difference in our
ALL! Check my website to
keep yourself updated on what happens. Those of you
that were not sure exactly what "gold dredging" is,
click on my website and look around. Let me know what
you think of the site.
Ron "Auwhatfun"