Welcome To Gold Rush U

Welcome to the " curriculum Page" of GoldRushU. It is our hope that you will find many interesting and useful tips and skills that will help you on your prospecting journey. Of course, this page will always be "under construction" as we bring out new innovative ideas from our readers and things we come up with "out there" mining...


This is a photo of the latest version of my 6 inch dredge during the head scratching stage... We used parts of an old Keene 5 inch

triple sluice frame with some new pontoons for starters. Terry Stapp did a nice job fabricating an easy to adjust, adjustable height sluice

box frame. He also built a fine flared sluice box that doesn't need to be nearly as long as a rectangular one. The blank aluminum box

is setting on the new frame section.    



The adjustable sluice part way through fabrication. 

BELOW is the power jet being fit to the JET FLAIR. We are using common ABS pipe fittings to fabricate the pump hose line into the jet itself.

  Building the custom jets


Josh is testing the first version of the custom 6 inch dredge. It has gone through several remodels since this picture was taken.

I like to "test drive" dredges in the pool the first time out or after making design changes. In case of equipment failure, it's easier to make mechanical adjustments, welding, etc. when your "test pond" is in the back yard. Those of you living next to creeks and rivers- I'm jealous!     

Moved to equipment page 5-16       

Notice the weight belts on the pontoons to simulate the weight of the gravel in the sluicebox.



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